Monday 16 May 2011

Data Visualisation

Icons representing data spending types

I have created the following icons to represent each data type. Along with these icons, titles will appear when the user hovers over the buttons.

Government Spending icons: from left to right
- Community Services and Culture
- Education
- General Government Services
- Defence
- Health
- Infrastructure, Transport and Energy
- Industry and Workforce
- Social Security and Welfare

Household Spending icons: from left to right
- Medical Care and Health Expenses
- Food and Non-alcoholic Beverages
- Household Services and Operation
- Miscellaneous Goods and Services
- Other (clothing, personal care, domestic fuel and power, alcohol and tobacco products)
- Housing Costs
- Household Furnishing and Equipment
- Recreation
- Transport

I think these icons visually represent the data types in an aesthetically pleasing and recognisable way.
The icons can be selected and dragged onto the scale in order to see the level of spending and make comparisons to other data sets.

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