Tuesday 10 May 2011

Initial Concept

Concept for persuasive interactive 
information graphic for touch screen

I would like to create a comparative infographic that communicates comparative information about Australian expenditure. I want to show the differences and similarities between how much we are spending on commercial industries such as advertising and tourism and how much we spend on national healthcare, welfare and education.

I could also compare this to our household expenditure – how much we spend on petty things like fast food and beauty products – when we could also be contributing to social good.

I can display this information as comparative multiples so users can compare the data but also have filtering and layering options to single the data down to particular information sets.

This infographic will offer users a simpler way to compare expenditure data across catergories and industries. The message within this infographic is mainly to make people aware of what their government is spending – whether it is too much on commercial industries, or not enough on a particular area of health or welfare. From there, people can make their own decisions about the efficiency of Australian expenditure. 

Data sources I have thought about using include:

1. Australia's national agency for health and welfare statistics and information:http://www.aihw.gov.au/expenditure/

2. Commercial Industries:

  • Advertising
  • Tourism
  • Gardening/Horticulture

4. Fast Food

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