Friday 13 May 2011

Sketches - developing interface layout

I have continued developing the interface layout, also taking into consideration the practicality of the coding involved, and my level of skill.

The rough sketch below shows a more achievable layout for me and will still be visually effective.

I want to have the icons floating at the top of the screen which you can drag and drop onto the main screen, at which point they turn into cylinders or perhaps a dollar sign etc. The bar to the left of the screen is the point of measure, and the size of the shape represent how much money is being spent on that particular spending type. Users can drag and drop multiple icons to compare data.

I could have two screens in which the user can compare both government spending types and household spending types. I need to decide whether I want to have them separate or have them all together. I think I want them all together so that the user can compare any spending type they want to, and not be confined to comparing only government types to household types.

I would also like to have a filter option in the form of check boxes that allow the user to choose to display percentage of GDP, increase or decrease in spending, and how much is spent per Australian. However this might be something I would do to improve the infographic at later stages.

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