Friday 13 May 2011

Sketches - brainstorming interface layout

I have started brainstorming ideas around the display for the infographic. I think it would be effective to have the stage as a map of Australia from birds-eye-view, with the icon (expenditure categories) floating around on the interface. The map immediately shows users the context of the data, but the icons would be floating so that the user does not associate the data to a particular location on the map - a state or city. The icons would also be bigger or smaller than others depending on the level of expenditure they have.

The user can click on one of the icons and the view changes to front-on to display more information about the expenditure type, how much is spent, the increase or decrease since the last term etc.

The user can also compare the categories by dropping and dragging more than one onto the current data open.

I want to stick to a fairly fluid layout, and try to get away from structured graphs or tables. I want to play with the interactivity as I think it is what will make this infographic the most effective, considering the complexity of the data.

My first sketches are below:

Birds-eye view:

Front-on view:

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